
Resume Design Overview

Background Analysis

Our expert team professionals will help you design your resume based on your background, dream companies, and positions

Question Predict

Predict the potential questions may ask by interviewers based on your resume, and how their thinking process are structured

Hiring Deep Dive

We deep dive the real hiring process with you, analyze how a resume should be structured to help you the best

Ultimate Design

We provide resume both in PDF version resume for your job hunting, and LaTex version for personal modification purpose

Michael Ng

Meta – Senior Engineer Manager
8 years experience cross leading technology companies and startups. Position in software engineer and team manager. Skilled in technology and team management. Participated in hiring process and interviewed over 200 candidates.


8 years experience cross leading technology companies and startups. Position in software engineer and team manager. Skilled in technology and team management. Participated in hiring process and interviewed over 200 candidates


Bloomberg – Senior Software Engineer
8 years experience on design and build enterprise level trading system cross client facing products and system infrastructure. Participated in hiring process and interviewed over 200 candidates

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